Touching video: Daughter bids farewell to mother who amused the world by playing accordion for dancing dog

Daughter bids farewell to mother who amused the world by playing accordion for dancing dog. Source: Instagram Reproduction
Daughter bids farewell to mother who amused the world by playing accordion for dancing dog. Source: Instagram Reproduction

Mother’s Day is an emotional day, especially for those whose mothers have passed away. In this regard, a specific tribute has caught attention and touched the web.

+ Video: Dog confronts mountain lion and survives to tell the tale

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A lady named Tillie found success on the internet with her little dog “Nathan”. In various videos, they are seen together, with her playing accordion, a German instrument resembling a concertina, and the dog dancing.

Last Sunday, Lori Goodbody, Tillie’s daughter, bid farewell and paid tribute to her mother via the Instagram profile @dancingnathan:

“In memory of my mother #grandmatillie on Mother’s Day. She was a ray of sunshine for so many! I think I can say: I had the only mother named Tillie, who played accordion, no matter the season, while a naked dog named Nathan danced!”. Lori also revealed that the dancing dog “Nathan” passed away from cancer in December 2022, while Tillie, her mother, passed away from dementia in November last year.

In the comments, Lori received condolences from many fans of “Tillie and Nathan”, including actress, socialite, and model Paris Hilton, who described the duo as “legendary”.

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